Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Official narratives this week in Washington marking Jimmy Carter’s passing reflect a highly selective rendering of his White House years.
If the past is indeed prologue, his many grave mistakes must be recalled, not just his few positive achievements. Three debacles, and what has flowed from them, remain particular blights on our national security and the planet.
Carter’s administration embraced the Ayatollah Khomeini, only to see his revolutionaries hold Americans hostage, enslave the people of Iran under Sharia tyranny and foster jihadist terror worldwide.
As President Trump is warning, Carter surrendered the strategically vital Panama Canal, now in Chinese hands. Carter’s weakness encouraged the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, spawning five decades of chaos, war, and terrorism there.
Basically, the only thing one can say for Jimmy Carter’s presidency is that it wasn’t as complete a failure as Joe Biden’s.
This is Frank Gaffney.